What’s a Bonus Partner?
With every bundle that we put together, we invite a number of incredible partners to get in front of millions of potential customers in their niche. Although a campaign like this would typically cost well over $10,000, we don’t charge you a single penny. Each company participates by providing each bundle purchaser a bonus offer valued at $15 or higher. The bonus must be a legitimate, no-strings-attached offer, that gives each customer the opportunity to get to know your company and try out your products. The most common offers are either a free product (perhaps something that you are looking to promote), or a store credit.
We’ve helped hundreds of companies get in front of thousands of customers
Why should I become a bonus partner?
After participating in their first bundle, 91% of our past Bonus Partners have asked to participate in future bundles. Here’s what some of them have said:

Apply to Be an Affiliate
Frequently Asked Questions from Partners
What’s a bundle?
A Bundle is a carefully curated collection of digital resources from leaders in that space. Our Bundles showcase the best resources available – many that are only available as part of the bundle – on niche topics that are designed to give customers an easier and more effective way to develop their skills and enrich their lives.
Who is the target demographic?
While the demographics change slightly from Bundle to Bundle, often a large portion of our audience is women over the age of 30 looking for healthier, easier ways to take care of and provide for their families.
What is a good bonus offer?
Bonus offers need to complement the theme of the Bundle and are usually something that will help customers put their newfound skills to use.
Where will my offer be highlighted?
Bundle sales page
In our email campaign
Affiliate swipe copy and resources – banners and graphics
In our email campaign
Affiliate swipe copy and resources – banners and graphics
What are the benefits to being a Bonus Partner?
Up to 70% commission on bundles sold through your affiliate link
Free advertising on hundreds of websites via our affiliates
Increased traffic to your store and growth of your email list
Exposure to millions of new customers in your target demographic. Gain warm leads and secondary sales
Free advertising on hundreds of websites via our affiliates
Increased traffic to your store and growth of your email list
Exposure to millions of new customers in your target demographic. Gain warm leads and secondary sales
How do I earn commission?
Commissions are earned through sales made through your affiliate link. As a bonus partner, you can potentially earn up to 70% commission for every bundle you sell.
What is the difference between an affiliate, a contributor, and a bonus partner?
The difference between these three is based on your involvement with Ultimate Bundles. All partners are affiliates – those who partner with us to help us promote our bundles! Contributors and Bonus Partners also have a product in a bundle. Contributors’ products are products that teach our customers a topic related to the bundle topic – these are typically eBooks, Printables, eCourses, and more. Bonus Partners provide products that allow our customers to then put into action what they have learned from the products of the bundles. These are membership, physical products, subscriptions, and more!